Our Activities

Talent hunt Shows

The intention behind these shows is to provide a medium that helps eager and determined individuals to expand their reach, and Preach Christ to a diverse audience. Moreover, we believe that these Talent shows provide an invaluable tool for Christians looking to deepen their spiritual experience and share their faith with others. By serving as a vehicle for the Gospel, these shows are meant to provide a way for people to connect with one another on and to the Holy Spirit.

Training Academy

We firmly believe that education and personal development are the keys to success, and we spare no expense in ensuring that ROHIG is the perfect environment for those who are committed to achieving their goals. From the latest technology to the most highly qualified instructors, we have everything necessary to help our Ministers realize their full potential. Whether you're looking to learn new skills, improve on existing ones, or take your talents to the next level, we are confident that our academy will provide you with all the resources and support you need to succeed.

Production Studio

With the provision of state-of-the-art recording equipment, cameras, lighting, and sound system, our studio provides a conducive environment that enhances the quality and clarity of the gospel being produced. Additionally, our studio has all the necessary promotional tools, including social media management, advertising, and marketing services, to ensure that our minister's gospel reaches the ends of the earth.


The Holy Bible states that faith, when unaccompanied by actions, is as good as dead. To practice this teaching, we make sure that while preaching , we also make efforts to visit those who may be in need of love and support. Our team of dedicated individuals regularly visit orphanages, We also take time to visit and serve those in the hospital and prisons. We share with them the message of hope and redemption that Jesus Christ offers. Through these acts of love and kindness, we hope to embody the true essence of what it means to be a follower of Christ.

Our Partners

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